DM3MD for Sale - played for 15 years sounds amazing

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DM3MD for Sale - played for 15 years sounds amazing

Unread post by pmonke65 » Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:46 pm

Hello All.

I'm selling my DM3MD.

This one is well used and has been played, used at gigs and loved for over 15 years now, and it shows. That means dings, strumming wear and repairs, but it also means it sounds incredible.

Here's the photo set.

You can see that it is in good condition with the major flaw being a professionally-repaired crack down the center seam. Strumming wear to the sound hole along with 3 dings (all shown) are the only other issues.

Here's the ebay link: ... 1555.l2649

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